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Book Launch with Denali Nalamalapu

Denali Nalamalapu’s Holler is a debut graphic memoir—and living history of climate justice—based on the stories of six frontline resisters to the Mountain Valley Pipeline in Appalachia, offering a portrait of the diverse people and places of Appalachia, and the creation of a hopeful movement. Holler shares the stories of six ordinary people who became resistors of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, a project that spans approximately 300 miles from northwestern West Virginia to southern Virginia—a teacher, a single mother, a nurse, an organizer, a photographer, and a seed keeper.

Climate activist, scientist, and writer Bill McKibben says: "Holler is a truly beautiful account of the beautiful people who have waged a beautiful fight for a beautiful piece of a beautiful planet. Read it and learn how to fight!"

Blacksburg Books will host the launch of Holler in which Denali will speak about the process of writing the book and how the book relates to the growing movement to stop fossil fuels and build a livable future.

April 19

Book Launch and Reading with Alexander Dickow